Storytelling through generations by Enkidu Kaled & Mara Nedelcu
Enkidu Kaled & Mara Nedelcu are at STUK Leuven in the frame of an Artistic Exchange Residency with 4Culture. Storytelling through generations is a rresearch process focused on trauma perpetuation and artistic tools of healing.
Hanako Hayakawa joins Exerce in MOntpellier
Uferstudios Berlin and ICI–CCN selected Hanako Hayakawa to join a master Exerce workshop by Kidow Kim. Afterwards she stays in Montpellier for a one week residency at ICI–CCN.
Isabela Fernandes Santana is working on a LLB Co-production
The Vanished Color is a Life Long Burning Co-production by Isabela Fernandes Santana. In April she is at ICI–CCN for a research and creation residency.
Magdalena Forster joins PRÉAC
danceWEB invited Magdalena Forster to join a seminar of PRÉAC at ICI–CCN Montpellier! She joins the seminar Narratives – can we make fiction without making stories? led by the guest artist Volmir Cordeiro.
Open Call – studio residency & Antistatic Festival visit in Sofia
danceWEB is looking for dance artists/choreographers interested in having a studio residency and getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Bulgaria while attending festival Antistatic. The residency is especially designed for early stages of developing an artistic project. Mentoring by local artists and a studio showing are optional.
Application ends on 7 April 2025.
Open Call – Artistic Exchange Residencies in Budapest & Helsinki
Moving in November and Workshop Foundation offer both a residency, for dance artists working with contemporary dance or performance.
The call addresses artists based in Finland and active in Hungary, interested in working and researching for two weeks in the other country.
For both residencies application ends on 13 April 2025.
Dance, Resistance, (Un)Working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After now in Ljubljana
The exhibition Dance, Resistance, (Un)Working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After, which opened in November 2024 in the frame of the Life Long Burning Choreographic Convention in Zagreb, is on screen in Ljubljana from 20 March until 31 May.
nyamnyam in Residency at ICI–CCN
Ariadna Rodriguez and Iñaki Alvarez from nyamnyam initiated the Cinématique project, a research and artistic creation initiative. During two periods in January and March 2025 they are in residence at ICI–CCN.
Performance/Installation: Antichambre
Creative Crossroads artist Élie Autin is showing her work Antichambre at Arsenic in Lausanne in March. The installation celebrates ists vernissage on Friday, 28 February, the performance is scheduled for 20–23 March.
Open Call for Romanian artists
In partnership with danceWeb Vienna, 4Culture is announcing an open call for participation in the danceWEB scholarship programme 2025! The programme takes place within ImPulsTanz – Vienna international Dance Festival from 9 July to 13 August 2025. This call is addressed to dancers and choreographers from Romania who are active in the field of contemporary dance and performing arts.
End of application: 12 February 2025
Tour Through Tanztage in Berlin
We start the year again in Berlin, where the Tanztage take place until 25 January. In the frame of our programme Capacity Grid, two of our partners sent artists there as guests: ICI–CNN invited Hamed Rad and the Nomad Dance Academy Jelena Alempijevic to be part of Tour Through Tanztage by Uferstudios.
Netti Nüganen at the [8:tension] Podcast
Episode 20 of our [8:tension] Podcast is out! Netti Nüganen completes our second season. Her piece The Myth: last day, a pseudo-archeological excavation turned punk concert, is an exercise in how history is constructed and yes, it is quite funny to listen to what Netti has to tell about the making of this piece.
Tour Through Tanztage in Berlin
We start the year again in Berlin, where the Tanztage take place until 25 January. In the frame of our programme Capacity Grid, two of our partners sent artists there as guests: ICI–CNN invited Hamed Rad and the Nomad Dance Academy Jelena Alempijevic to be part of Tour Through Tanztage by Uferstudios.
Storytelling through generations by Enkidu Kaled & Mara Nedelcu
Enkidu Kaled & Mara Nedelcu are at STUK Leuven in the frame of an Artistic Exchange Residency with 4Culture. Storytelling through generations is a rresearch process focused on trauma perpetuation and artistic tools of healing.
Camilla Schielin at the [8:tension] Podcast
Episode 19 of our [8:tension] Podcast is out! With someone who's name you will hear more often from us: Camilla Schielin, who showed her solo piece into (quickening ground) at ImPulsTanz and is one of our Creative Crossroad artists of cycle 2!
Luca Bonamore at the [8:tension] Podcast
Episode 18 of our [8:tension] Podcast is out! May we present to you: Luca Bonamore. In his latest piece, Silent Lovers, he is concerned with cruising – a historically queer practice of public sexual encounters. He chatted with Sean Pfeiffer, about becoming a dancer, and what it means to open up the private to the public.
Federation of Artistic Actions and Discourse
Part 1 of the PSR Developing Critical Discourse in Balkan 2024: Jasmina Založnik and Alexandra Baybutt present their resent books: Claiming of Space: New Performative Art Practices in Yugoslavia (published in Slovenian, Maska, 2024) and Contemporary Dance Festivals in the Former Yugoslav Space: (In)dependent Scenes (published in English, Routledge, 2023).
Austrian Premiere: Hold yr ache 2 my ache
Hold yr ache 2 my ache by Zeynab Kirikou Gueye and Lau Lukkarila premieres on 22 November at Tanzquartier Wien! The piece was (also) developed during the Creative Crossroads residencies at STUK Leuven and Workshop Foundation.
Viní Ventania & Vitória Jovem – Irmãs Brasil – at the [8:tension] Podcast
Episode 15 of our [8:tension] Podcast is out! It has never been that crowded behind the microphone: Today’s guests are Viní Ventania and Vitória Jovem, performing together as Irmãs Brasil.
Modular School – Interactive Installation
In the frame of ChoreCon 2024, the participants of the Modular School will share their collective work at TALA PLE(j)S. Through an interactive installation, visitors will have the opportunity to explore individual projects intertwined with group responses.
Participatory Programme: Naama Shoshana Fogiel Lewin
A morning class rooted in a self-creating practice, combining theory and various exercise and movement methods to explore non-normative ways of giving and receiving care for both, our own bodies and others’.
Antisezona and Nomad Dance Academy put together a day of discussions, aiming to sketch beter future scenarios of our dance community:
Activating the Present of Dance: Discussing Cultural Policies
Futuring: Dance Research as the Foundation of a new Dance Institution
New Structures for a new Future – Call for Action
Exhibition Opening: Dancing, Resisting, (Un)working
Dancing, Resisting, (Un)working – Aspects of Dance as a Cultural, Political, and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After is an exhibition curated by Nomad Dance Academy – (Non)Aligned Movements. It performs a long-term research on developing the digital archive of contemporary dance and the performing arts of the post-Yugoslav region.
Performance: Desire to make a solid history will end in failure
The starting desire in the creation of this dance performance by Igor Koruga is the question: in what way can archiving dance art be an artistic practice? The author’s exploration of this desire takes place through a transgenerational creative exchange with six choreographers/directors/dancers/performers of the local independent dance scene: Nela Antonović, Anđelija Todorović, Jelena Jović, Tanja Pajović, Boris Čakširan, and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić.
Mean Time Between Failures at STUK
Mean Time Between Failures, the Helsinki-based experimental dance and performance art collective of Dash Che and Suvi Tuominen. During their Artistic Exchange Residency at STUK, MTBF will work with sound designer Oula Rytkönen, who is a long-term collaborator of the collective. They will focus on dramaturgical and choreographic development of a new dance piece called DOWN BEAT.
Participatory Programme: CONSTELLATION OF BODIES
An open lab by Teodora Ežovska. The focus of the Constellations of Bodies workshop is on creating group dynamics and harmony among participants by developing awareness of internal dynamics, space, time as a measuring unit, and proximity.
A Performance Situation Room: Close encounters of the dance kind
What would you send into the future of dance? We asked the local dance scene to dance and write their answers to the following question: If there were something at your disposal right now that you would send into the future of dance, what would it be? We received answers from those at the beginning of their journeys, as well as from those who have been on this trek for a while. For very trivial practical reasons, the responses presented in the film don’t encapsulate the entirety of our scene, but demonstrate its multiplicity, polyphony, strength, persistence and permanence.
Soup Talks
Moving in November released its programme for the festival from 7–17 November in Helsinki! One format we are involved in and highly recommend: The Soup Talks, where informal conversations raise between audience and artists mingling around a hot pot full of soup.
Dan Mussett
Dan Mussett is in residence at 4Culture in Bucharest. He is working on a new performance called Fully Automated Luxury Dancing! in which he invites local freelance dancers to each show to re-enact situations from a freelance dancer's life: auditions, classes, rehearsals. In doing so, it attempts to expose and pick apart the micro-politics of the art world, and to question the power dynamics inside it.
Andrea Vezga at Artland Academy
In the frame of Capacity Grid, Andrea Vezga travels to Artland Academy, organised by 4Culture in Rumania. In Timișoara she gives an Afro Fusion dance workshop at the youth center Casa Tineretului.
Finnish Premiere: Hold yr ache 2 my ache
Hold yr ache 2 my ache by Zeynab Kirikou Gueye and Lau Lukkarila premieres in October in Helsinki! The piece was (also) developed during the Creative Crossroads residencies at STUK Leuven and Workshop Foundation.
Imre Vass is showing Reading The Room
Reading the room is an ongoing improvisational and performative practice by Imre Vass that invites the audience to witness a journey of investigating precarious routines of increasing the sensitivity of attention. Join in, in Budapest on 24 and 25 October.
Lecture Online+Live by Marjana Krajač
In the course of Antisezona#4, Marjana Krajač is giving a live online lecture. In her research she explores spaces at the former Workers and People’s University Moša Pijade in Zagreb that served as dance studios and were used as movement sites during the socialist and post-socialist periods.
Deva Schubert at the [8:tension] Podcast
We started to release Season #2 of our [8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series!
Our first guest is Deva Schubert, dancer and choreographer from Berlin and one of the winners of the 2024 ImPulsTanz – Young Choreographer’s Award with her piece Glitch Choir.
The Temporary Collective is on residency in Bukarest
The Temporary NDA Collective, our Slovenian Creative Crossroad artists, are in residence at 4Culture in Bularest. On 12 October they show Inside the Outside Remixed at Wasp.
James Batchelor teaches in Budapest
Australian but Berlin based James Batchelor gives a workshop for choreographers and dancers at Trafó House in Budapest. This workshop offers an introduction to James Batchelor’s teaching and choreographic practice, followed by an opportunity for developing knowledge about contemporary dance networks in Europe. Participation of the workshop is for free, registration is necessary!
James Batchelor & Bek Berger in Budapest
James Batchelor and Bek Berger go to Workshop Foundation Budapest for an Artistic Exchange Residency. The two originally Australian, Berlin based and internationally working artists have been working together extensively (and successfully!) since 2017.
Cécile Le Claire is On the Outset at Moving in November
The project manager, artistic mediator and facilitator from France recently moved to Finnland and is now involved in the production of the contemporary dance festival, which takes place from 7–17 November this year.
Showing by Adam Seid Tahir in Budapest
Adam Seid Tahir is coming back to Budapest for a work-in-progress-showing. They will share some early fragments from their ongoing research on fictive archaeology which had been developed during their residencies in Budapest, Vienna and Amsterdam this summer.
Showing by Adam Seid Tahir in Amsterdam
Adam Seid Tahir is finishing their residency at Veem House Amsterdam with a showing. They will share some early fragments from their ongoing research on fictive archaeology which had been developed during their residencies in Budapest, Vienna and Amsterdam this summer.
danceWEB is looking for an emerging dance and choreography artist interested in getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Belgrade and collaborating with the Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary artist André Zachary.
Application ends on 21 October 2024.
PSR The Fortnight
For this PSR, the ICC team has invited artists who address diverse issues and topics related to queer identities, alternative dynamics of pornography, anal politics, the concept of holes as a seclusive system, and pleasure as politically relevant. Through collective practices of co-dreaming, co-thinking, and co-imagining, dance and choreography become active practices aimed at constructing softer and more accurate spaces for contemporary desires within our cultural landscapes.
Anna Chwialkowska, Maria Elena Seidenari and Joost Koster researching in Montpellier
Berlin based anthropologist, dancer and dramaturgist Anna Chwialkowska, dancer and social researcher Maria Elena Seidenari and video artist Joost Koster are currently at ICI–CCN in Montpellier, where they look at current near-future scenarios of how to deal with the ecological crisis.
Open Call | Join the ChoreoCon team in Zagreb
danceWEB is looking for a dance critic/producer/independent dance curator/artist interested in getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Croatia. This internship is dedicated to the Choreographic Convention from 19–23 November 2024, organised by our partner Antisezona in Zagreb. Application ends on 2 October!
Adam Seid Tahir at Veem House
Adam Seid Tahir, our Creative Crossroads artist from Stockholm, is in residence in Amsterdam! They will share some early fragments from their ongoing research on fictive archaeology. They’re conducting this research as both a longer research project and the starting point for their new work artifact (working title).
Mariana Viana in recidency at MDT Stockholm
ICI–CCN nominated choreographer and Performer Mariana Viana for an Artistic Exchange Residency at MDT Stockholm. She is working on her new piece Matière grise/Gray matter during these two weeks in Sweden.
Curating in Context
In Struga, North Macedonia, the International Summer School Curating in Context returns for its fourth edition, offering a unique platform for rethinking curatorial practices in contemporary art and beyond.
Our network partner in Montpellier – ICI–CCN – has opened a call for an artist / Choreographer / Researcher based in Occitanie to become one of the Creative Crossroads Artists of the upcoming cycle 2025/2026.
Applications are open until 15 September 2024.
Sonja Pregrad is teaching at ImPulsTanz
Sonja Pregrad is coming to Vienna for a Creative Crossroads residency. During her stay she will teach at ImPulsTanz a workshop Of drag, plants and other objects (of dance).
Marion Darova in residence at ImPulsTanz
Our Bulgarian Creative Crossroads artist Marion Darova and her collaborator Martina Apostolova arrived in Vienna at ImPulsTanz, were she has a studio for one week and a huge performance and workshop programme to choose from.
Domino Residency
Nomad dance academy Croatia is a guest at the Karlovac Dance Festival!
The summer edition of the 14th Karlovac Dance Festival brings collaboration and partnership with the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia through their Domino Residency and Modular School programmes.
Showing: Hold yr ache 2 my ache
At the end of their 2 weeks residency at Workshop Foundation in Budapest, Lau Lukkarila and Zeynab Kirikou Gueye open the studio for a public rehearsal showing, followed by a talk with the visitors. The piece developed (also) during this residency, Hold yr ache 2 my ache, premieres on 22 November in Vienna.
Open Call | professional dance and movement artist based in Amsterdam
Veem House for Performance in Amsterdam opens a call for one professional dance and movement artist based in Amsterdam, for Creative Crossroads Cycle 2, who will be supported during a two year cycle from 1 January 2025 till 31 December 2026.
Deadline for applications is 4 July 2024.
Lau Lukkarila at Workshop Foundation
Lau Lukkarila and Zeynab Kirkou Gueye are currently in Budapest, working on their upcoming project Hold yr ache 2 my ache at Workshop Foundation and Trafohouse.
On (dance) art and cultural politics
Sweden is facing a shift in art and cultural politics, and we’re not the only ones. As one travels internationally in Europe nowadays, almost everyone (with a few exceptions) is talking about the massive budget cuts and how artists and institutions are struggling. In some countries, this is also tied to democratic restrictions.
Open Call | Cats & Poetry workshop
Moving in November is inviting to participate in a two-day workshop lead by Swedish choreographer Pontus Pettersson. Over these two days, Pontus will open up his practice to host the different methods and practices that are part of the work Pancor Poetics (which will be shown in this year’s Moving in November Festival), including one of his seminal pieces The Cat Practice. As simple as it sounds, it involves practicing being a cat. Applications are open until 27 June!
Obituary for Brigitte Bierlein
It is with great sadness and deepest sympathy that we bid farewell to Brigitte Bierlein, an extraordinary woman who left a lasting mark through her multifaceted commitment and tireless dedication both in politics and in the art world – including ImPulsTanz, danceWEB and Life Long Burning.
Verena Herterich selected for PRÉAC 2024
This year's PRÉAC seminar will take place from 27–31 May at La Genette Verte, near Montpellier in the South of France. The seminar, organized and hosted by ICI–CCN Montpellier, is on Narratives and led by the guest artist Sylvain Prunenec.
Expose brings together authors and artists from various fields of art who practice (self)archiving, (self)musealization, (self)documentation, (self)recording or/and (self)mapping through mixed formats and media. This three-day public event will explore these practices and their relation to the fields of dance and new media art.
Jason Respilieux in residence at Antistatic Festival
The artist Jason Respilieux, one of the collaborators of Anneleen Keppens in her performance Blue Moon Spring, part of the Creative Crossroads programme, will be an artist-in-residence of the 17th edition of the Antistatic Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria in May.
HOT BODIES, organised by ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center), supports, stimulates, and nurtures new generations of artists in the field of choreography and dance. The 4th edition of the programme takes place in Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo and Sofia, Bulgaria for 3 weeks in May!
Without Distance Platform 2024
The Without Distance educational platform is an integral part of the International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance Antistatic in Sofia. This year's programme features three lectures by Boyan Manchev, Margarita Dorovska, and Angelina Georgieva, alongside a workshop led by Jason Respilieux.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Olivia Axel Scheucher and Nick Romeo Reimann
This is already the last episode of our first podcast season! Welcome today’s guests, theatre director Olivia Axel Scheucher and actor Nick Romeo Reimann.
Their collaborative work FUGUE FOUR : RESPONSE was first developed for the Porn Film Festival Vienna. The satirical investigation of how sex and bodies are commodified in the digital age was then adapted for Volkstheater Dunkelkammer.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Sebastiano Sing
Episode 8 out today! Listen to the conversation of Sean Pfeiffer and Sebastiano Sing. The work of Sebastiano, a Vienna-based choreographer and performer, has long been occupied with making space for big emotions. His piece MATHIEU was first developed in a TURBO residency at ImPulsTanz Festival 2022. Following its premiere in WUK Vienna’s project space, it was then presented at Schauspielhaus Vienna in the frame of [8:tension].
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Anne Lise Le Gac & Loto Retina
New Episode out now! Hello, Anne Lise Le Gac and Loto Retina. Her work La Caresse du Coma ft. YOLO is a multi-media performance, a lecture on digital chimeras, and an invitation to a strange and yet strangely familiar world. Together with musical collaborator Loto Retina, Anne-Lise transformed the Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz into a misty, spa-like space of uncertainties and fabricated truths.
After their showings, the two of them sat down with writer Sean Pfeiffer. They discussed the role of levity and humor in their work, the productivity of not knowing for sure, and how their residency time at ImPulsTanz stimulated their creative partnership.
OPEN CALL | Artistic Residency in Stockholm and Montpellier
MDT Moderna Dansteatern in Stockholm and ICI-CCN in Montpellier launch a joint open a call for two research residencies for artists based in Montpellier or Stockholm! This call is open to artists from the field of choreography and dance. Deadline for applications is 12 May 2024.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Marga Alfeirão
New Episode out today! Welcome Marga Alfeirão and her team. Marga’s work opens up spaces in which she is able to explore feminine sensuality and sexuality at her own pace. She and her team joined writer Sean Pfeiffer for a conversation before the second showing of their “lesbian lap dance duet” LOUNGE.
They discussed the reciprocal effect between the music and the dancers and the piece’s ebb and flow of energy and slowness. They also talk about the difficulties in balancing the public and the private while performing intimacy on stage.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with James Batchelor
James is a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher from Australia. Now based in Berlin, he works internationally. Before the second showing of his piece Shortcuts to Familiar Places at Schauspielhaus Vienna, James sat down with Chris Standfest. They discussed the ways in which James’ mentor Ruth Osborne as well as the legendary Gertrud Bodenwieser shaped the work.
They also touch on the specific excitement of showing it in Vienna, where Bodenwieser Lived before she had to flee from the Nazis. They further reflect on how expression or Ausdruckstanz is reentering the current dance landscape.
Mille Shake – Talk with Pauline L. Boulba and team on the creative process
As an extension of her exploration into lesbian subjectivities in dance and the performing arts, Pauline L. Boulba seeks to make queer practice visible through artistic creation. In this way, she explores the extent to which imagination, somatic practice and fiction act to repair damaged bodies. A two-headed combo of narrative and choreography foster reflection on patriarchal violence. Re-territorialising bodies, to fictionalise life, pumping reality back onto the stage.
Free admission by reservation only.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Harald Beharie
Harald’s first solo Batty Bwoy is both bleak and playful in its re-appropriation of racist and homophobic stereotypes. By embodying this harmful imagery, they emerge on the other side as a newly ambivalent figure, impossible to grasp.
Writer Sean Pfeiffer and Harald talk about his inspirations for the piece, the musical collaboration with a Norwegian prog-rock band, and the delicacy of involving an audience directly.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Esben Weile Kjær
Esben is a Danish visual artist whose sculptures and performances have been shown at numerous galleries and festivals. Esben’s works tap into his generation’s habits of visual consumption. He has introduced short-attention-span tools like social media livestreams into traditional museum spaces in pieces like BURN!.
With the writer Sean Pfeiffer, Esben discusses his experiences as a visual artist at a contemporary dance festival. They also talk about the heavy use of pop-cultural signifiers and accessing the authentic through the artificial.
OPEN CALL | Artistic Exchange Residencies in Berlin and Budapest
Uferstudios Berlin und Workshop Foundation Budapest are offering two differently designed exchange residencies for professional movement and dance artists who work in Hungary or who are based in Berlin! Application deadline is 14 April.
exerce open workshop with Pauline L. Boulba
The workshop is taking place on Thursday, 21 March from 3–6pm at ICI—CCN
Free admission by reservation only.
Screening of the film J.J by Pauline L. Boulba
Thursday, 21 March, 7–8pm
J.J is named after Jill Johnston (1929-2010), dance critic, performer, and uber-determined and angry lesbian feminist. The work is a journey through the real and fictional lives of this very American figure. Through the invention of archives and the use of quotes, voices and drag-kings, the two performers reflect upon lesbian practice in art.
→ Screened in partnership with Rainbow screen festival
Free admission by reservation only.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Anna Biczók
Anna is a Hungarian dancer and choreographer based between Vienna and Stockholm. Her work often deals with bodily memory, cultural identity, and dance as a means of communication. The group choreography DELICATE has been equally shaped by these themes. The work features three female dancers who grew up in different European and Eastern European contexts – namely Karin Pauer in Austria, Adél Juhász in Hungary and
Sasha Portyannikova in Russia.
After presenting DELICATE at Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz, Anna sat down with author Sean Pfeiffer. They discussed the role of writing in the development of the piece, Anna’s decision not to perform herself, and her collaboration with musician Rozi Mákó.
[8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series Podcast with Chara Kotsali
Chara is a performer, choreographer and dance instructor based in Athens, Greece. She has studied Theatre Studies as well as Social and Cultural Anthropology and is musically trained. Her artistic practice merges choreography with field recordings, sound collage and writing.
She sat down with author Sean Pfeiffer to discuss her first solo work to be possessed. It premiered at the Onassis Dance Days in Athens before being presented at Schauspielhaus Vienna in the frame of ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival. In their conversation, the two touch upon the myth of artistic ecstasy, the comfort of routine, and the similarities between contemporary dance and poetry.
First Podcast Episodes released today!
The artists of the [8:tension] Young Choreographers' Series of 2023 were in conversation with Chris Standfest and Sean Pfeiffer and we are excited to publish this podcast from today on.
The first released episodes will be with Chara Kotsali and Anna Biczók. They are giving insights into their working methods and artistic approaches, the making of their pieces To Be Possessed and DELICATE, respectively, and their experience in Vienna.
The release will start on Thursday 21 March, with weekly new episodes. Save us on Spotify Apple Podcast, Podcastaddict or Deezer!
Network Meeting at Festival Programme Commun
This weekend Festival Programme Commun is kicking off in Lausanne! Apart from a vivid performance programme Arsenic invited to a Life Long Burning meeting, which includes a three days watch-and-talk programme for our Creative Crossroads artists, led by Ysaline Rochat.
Pauline L. Boulba on residency at ICI–CCN
Pauline L. Boulba is on a residency at ICI–CCN in Montpellier this March!
Open Call | HOT BODIES #4
HOT BODIES #4 is intended for dance artists who haven't yet encountered the dynamics of freelance work in this field, or who are just starting out.
Apply now and spend three weeks in May in Bulgaria. Do studio work, sessions with other dance artists, co-sharing lectures, co-sharing workshop and presentations – accommodation, rehearsal and performance space as well as per diems are covered.
NOTE: The application end got changed to 21 February!
A follow up on DANCEOLITICS
In 2021 a round table discussion between artistic teams of Tanztage Berlin, Bâtard in Brussels and Les Urbaines in Lausanne got published in the book DANCEOLITICS, supported by Life Long Burning.
Starting from this publication, a panel discussion at Tanztage Berlin continues the conversation about this fragile state tonight.
Together with colleagues from different European scenes – curators, artistic coordinators and organizers (from Vienna Chris Standfest is joining, artistic director of [8:tension Young Chreographes' Series] at ImPulsTanz Festival) – they would like to exchange on the intertwinement between the lives of artists at the beginning of their career and the platforms presenting artists and aesthetics that need to “emerge”.
Further information and free download of the book DANCEOLITICS here.
Open Call: Participant for PRÉAC wanted
danceWEB is looking for a dance/performance artist/dance writer/dance teacher interested in participating in PRÉAC at La Genette Verte in France!
The seminar PRÉAC (Pôle de Ressources pour l'Éducation Artistique et Culturelle), organized and hosted by ICI-CCN Montpellier, is on Narratives: can we make fiction without making stories? The place of narrative in choreography: the relationship between abstraction and narration, and fictional modalities in choreographic composition, in particular.
Open Call – On The Outset in Stockholm
Join MDT Stockholm as a production intern this autumn! They are looking for a person, who wants to work with/learn more about production and administration of dance and choreography, both at a local and at an international level. Application ends on 31 May 2023.