Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia
Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia operates in the field of dance education, artistic creation and production. Our mission is the promotion of and advocacy for dance.
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Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia is involved in the following Life Long Burning activities:
Dance, Resistance, (Un)Working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After now in Ljubljana
The exhibition Dance, Resistance, (Un)Working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After, which opened in November 2024 in the frame of the Life Long Burning Choreographic Convention in Zagreb, is on screen in Ljubljana from 20 March until 31 May.
Federation of Artistic Actions and Discourse
Part 1 of the PSR Developing Critical Discourse in Balkan 2024: Jasmina Založnik and Alexandra Baybutt present their resent books: Claiming of Space: New Performative Art Practices in Yugoslavia (published in Slovenian, Maska, 2024) and Contemporary Dance Festivals in the Former Yugoslav Space: (In)dependent Scenes (published in English, Routledge, 2023).
Modular School – Interactive Installation
In the frame of ChoreCon 2024, the participants of the Modular School will share their collective work at TALA PLE(j)S. Through an interactive installation, visitors will have the opportunity to explore individual projects intertwined with group responses.
Participatory Programme: Naama Shoshana Fogiel Lewin
A morning class rooted in a self-creating practice, combining theory and various exercise and movement methods to explore non-normative ways of giving and receiving care for both, our own bodies and others’.
Antisezona and Nomad Dance Academy put together a day of discussions, aiming to sketch beter future scenarios of our dance community:
Activating the Present of Dance: Discussing Cultural Policies
Futuring: Dance Research as the Foundation of a new Dance Institution
New Structures for a new Future – Call for Action
Participatory Programme: CONSTELLATION OF BODIES
An open lab by Teodora Ežovska. The focus of the Constellations of Bodies workshop is on creating group dynamics and harmony among participants by developing awareness of internal dynamics, space, time as a measuring unit, and proximity.
A Performance Situation Room: Close encounters of the dance kind
What would you send into the future of dance? We asked the local dance scene to dance and write their answers to the following question: If there were something at your disposal right now that you would send into the future of dance, what would it be? We received answers from those at the beginning of their journeys, as well as from those who have been on this trek for a while. For very trivial practical reasons, the responses presented in the film don’t encapsulate the entirety of our scene, but demonstrate its multiplicity, polyphony, strength, persistence and permanence.
The Temporary Collective is on residency in Bukarest
The Temporary NDA Collective, our Slovenian Creative Crossroad artists, are in residence at 4Culture in Bularest. On 12 October they show Inside the Outside Remixed at Wasp.
danceWEB is looking for an emerging dance and choreography artist interested in getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Belgrade and collaborating with the Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary artist André Zachary.
Application ends on 21 October 2024.
PSR The Fortnight
For this PSR, the ICC team has invited artists who address diverse issues and topics related to queer identities, alternative dynamics of pornography, anal politics, the concept of holes as a seclusive system, and pleasure as politically relevant. Through collective practices of co-dreaming, co-thinking, and co-imagining, dance and choreography become active practices aimed at constructing softer and more accurate spaces for contemporary desires within our cultural landscapes.
Đorđe Živadinović Grgur
HOT BODIES, organised by ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center), supports, stimulates, and nurtures new generations of artists in the field of choreography and dance. The 4th edition of the programme takes place in Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo and Sofia, Bulgaria for 3 weeks in May!
Network Meeting at Festival Programme Commun
This weekend Festival Programme Commun is kicking off in Lausanne! Apart from a vivid performance programme Arsenic invited to a Life Long Burning meeting, which includes a three days watch-and-talk programme for our Creative Crossroads artists, led by Ysaline Rochat.
Open Call | HOT BODIES #4
HOT BODIES #4 is intended for dance artists who haven't yet encountered the dynamics of freelance work in this field, or who are just starting out.
Apply now and spend three weeks in May in Bulgaria. Do studio work, sessions with other dance artists, co-sharing lectures, co-sharing workshop and presentations – accommodation, rehearsal and performance space as well as per diems are covered.
NOTE: The application end got changed to 21 February!
Imre Vass on residency in Zagreb
Imre Vass, our Creative Crossroads Artist nominated by Workshop foundation, is about to start his residency in Zagreb! During his stay he will be busy researching and articulating his solo dance performance practice. “In this period of my life and career there is too much thinking and worrying so I will just simply lose myself to dance.”
Through Performative and Choreographic Practices – Workshop by Thiago Granato
Thiago Granato gives a workshop at CoFestival in Lubljana: Through Performative and Choreographic Practices.
Thiago Granato invites to an artistic immersion where individual and collective work situations serve as a basis for exploring different compositional logics. Through choreography we studies the body’s performative capacity to create, penetrate, melt, fuse, move and transform different contexts. With this workshop Granato shares his work methodology and propose parameters to discuss how we can identify, situate and sustain a performative practice and a choreographic project nowadays.
Gyula Cserepes on Artistic Exchange Residency at CoFestival
Workshop Foundation Budapest sends Gyula Cserepes to join CoFestival for an Artistic Exchange Residency. The programme of the international festival of contemporary dance in Ljubljana focuses on artists who have recently created outstanding, fresh, contemporary, but at the same time very diverse choreographic works in the cultural contexts of the area of the former Yugoslav federation and Austria.
Historical Figures. Introduction to Contemporary Dance
This workshop led by Rok Vevar and Jasmina Založnik draws on documentary film footage from the collection of the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archive at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. It takes the form of lectures and discussions, provides the spectator with basic reading and contextual tools with which we enter into the process of »reading« and thinking about contemporary dance.
Julija Pečnikar, Alja Branc and Sara Janašković at WSF
Julija Pečnikar, Alja Branc and Sara Janašković were invited to an Artistic Exchange Residency to the Workshop Foundation in Budapest. They will keep developing the Performance Softwareness.
Capacity Grid, On The Outset, Outsetters Abroad
Performance Situation Rooms, Choreographic Conventions