Capacity Grid
Capacity Grid is an innovative, non-academic, continued education model for emerging and mid-career dance and performance artists, aiming to develop a strong cooperation exchange among network partners and a cross-border benefit to the local scenes.
Hanako Hayakawa joins Exerce in MOntpellier
Uferstudios Berlin and ICI–CCN selected Hanako Hayakawa to join a master Exerce workshop by Kidow Kim. Afterwards she stays in Montpellier for a one week residency at ICI–CCN.
Magdalena Forster joins PRÉAC
danceWEB invited Magdalena Forster to join a seminar of PRÉAC at ICI–CCN Montpellier! She joins the seminar Narratives – can we make fiction without making stories? led by the guest artist Volmir Cordeiro.
Open Call – studio residency & Antistatic Festival visit in Sofia
danceWEB is looking for dance artists/choreographers interested in having a studio residency and getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Bulgaria while attending festival Antistatic. The residency is especially designed for early stages of developing an artistic project. Mentoring by local artists and a studio showing are optional.
Application ends on 7 April 2025.
Open Call for Romanian artists
In partnership with danceWeb Vienna, 4Culture is announcing an open call for participation in the danceWEB scholarship programme 2025! The programme takes place within ImPulsTanz – Vienna international Dance Festival from 9 July to 13 August 2025. This call is addressed to dancers and choreographers from Romania who are active in the field of contemporary dance and performing arts.
End of application: 12 February 2025
Tour Through Tanztage in Berlin
We start the year again in Berlin, where the Tanztage take place until 25 January. In the frame of our programme Capacity Grid, two of our partners sent artists there as guests: ICI–CNN invited Hamed Rad and the Nomad Dance Academy Jelena Alempijevic to be part of Tour Through Tanztage by Uferstudios.
Tour Through Tanztage in Berlin
We start the year again in Berlin, where the Tanztage take place until 25 January. In the frame of our programme Capacity Grid, two of our partners sent artists there as guests: ICI–CNN invited Hamed Rad and the Nomad Dance Academy Jelena Alempijevic to be part of Tour Through Tanztage by Uferstudios.
Andrea Vezga at Artland Academy
In the frame of Capacity Grid, Andrea Vezga travels to Artland Academy, organised by 4Culture in Rumania. In Timișoara she gives an Afro Fusion dance workshop at the youth center Casa Tineretului.
danceWEB is looking for an emerging dance and choreography artist interested in getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Belgrade and collaborating with the Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary artist André Zachary.
Application ends on 21 October 2024.
Anna Chwialkowska, Maria Elena Seidenari and Joost Koster researching in Montpellier
Berlin based anthropologist, dancer and dramaturgist Anna Chwialkowska, dancer and social researcher Maria Elena Seidenari and video artist Joost Koster are currently at ICI–CCN in Montpellier, where they look at current near-future scenarios of how to deal with the ecological crisis.
Nora Stancu
Joins danceWEB 2024 in the course of Capacity Grid!
Open Call | Cats & Poetry workshop
Moving in November is inviting to participate in a two-day workshop lead by Swedish choreographer Pontus Pettersson. Over these two days, Pontus will open up his practice to host the different methods and practices that are part of the work Pancor Poetics (which will be shown in this year’s Moving in November Festival), including one of his seminal pieces The Cat Practice. As simple as it sounds, it involves practicing being a cat. Applications are open until 27 June!
Verena Herterich selected for PRÉAC 2024
This year's PRÉAC seminar will take place from 27–31 May at La Genette Verte, near Montpellier in the South of France. The seminar, organized and hosted by ICI–CCN Montpellier, is on Narratives and led by the guest artist Sylvain Prunenec.
danceWEB is looking for young dance critics/researchers/independent dance curators/artists interested in getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Bulgaria. The 4th edition of the Bulgarian Dance Platform is taking place from 16–20 May 2024 in Sofia, hosting performances, discussions and artist gatherings. The offer includes travel, accommodation and free entrance to the performances. Application deadline: 15 March 2024
danceWEB 2024
Sometimes you get a second chance. Or, some of you do. If you are a dancer and/or choreographer with decidedly professional ambitions, either based in Rumania or in Finland you get a second chance to apply for danceWEB 2024! Because two of our Life Long Burning partner – 4Culture and Moving in November – are each covering the fee for and nominating one participant for this year’s scholarship programme.
Open Call: Participant for PRÉAC wanted
danceWEB is looking for a dance/performance artist/dance writer/dance teacher interested in participating in PRÉAC at La Genette Verte in France!
The seminar PRÉAC (Pôle de Ressources pour l'Éducation Artistique et Culturelle), organized and hosted by ICI-CCN Montpellier, is on Narratives: can we make fiction without making stories? The place of narrative in choreography: the relationship between abstraction and narration, and fictional modalities in choreographic composition, in particular.
Tour Through Tanztage in Berlin
Pauline Lavogez (ICI–CCN Montpellier) and Denisa Rad (4Culture) as well as the Berlin based artists Yvonne Sembene, Hanna Schillinger and Adèle Aïssi-Guyonare are invited to Tour through Tanztage! This peer to peer workshop is a guided & shared do-it-yourself exercise in watching and talking about the work seen in Tanztage, one's own artistic interests, professional practice and experienced difficulties in creating dance works. Tour Through Tanztage is moderated by Inge Koks.
Open House with Valentina Miloš
Divert Zagreb and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia invite to a discussion with Valentina Miloš, Sonja Pregrad, Silvia Marchig and Gregor Kamnikar.
Cherish Menzo gives workshop for Black diaspora
Cherish Menzo will show DARKMATTER at the Moving in November festival in Helsinki. The Distorted Rap Choir was founded for and is expanded with every showing of this performance. Therefore Cherish Menzo is giving a choir workshop in Helsinki, inviting people from the African diaspora to take part in the workshop and possibly also in the performance.
Symposium – Critical Bodies: borders|ACCESS|care
Together with the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, ICI–CCN invites to the Symposium Critical Bodies: borders|ACCESS|care. The four day long event is curated by Isabelle Ginot and Thomas F. DeFrantz.
Bettina Blanc Penther
ICI–CCN nominated Bettina Blanc Penther to join the danceWEB scholarship 2023 in Vienna.
Mikko Hyvönen at Without Distance Platform
The Antistatic Festival welcomes Mikko Hyvönen, within the frame of the Life Long Burning Capacity Grid. He has been selected to participate in the educational platform Without Distance. His participation takes place as an exchange between Brain Store Project and the contemporary dance festival Moving in November, Helsinki.
Nora Barna & Kevin Fay at PREAC
Norga Varga and Kevin Fay are participating at the PREAC workshop 2023 in Montpellier.