Ametonyo Silva

Capacity Grid

Ametonyo Silva is a choreographer and dancer born in Paraíba, northeast of Brazil. In São Paulo, where he followed his studies in directing at the University of São Paulo, he was constantly moving through collective practices at the crossroads of dance, theater and transmission. Based in France since 2022, Ametonyo pursued the choreography master's program - exerce - at ICI—Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier (2022-2024). His work articulates migration-displacement-landscape through choreographic research that raves shared terrains of abundance. It involves interdisciplinary practices to haunt memory towards a quotidian re-enchantment of life through the body. Ametonyo has been collaborating with/accompanied by different artists and contexts such as Sayonara Pereira, Maria Thais, Flavia Pinheiro, Eduardo Joly, Laura Salerno, Avessa Garcia, Pol Pi, Katerina Andreou, Ishmael Houston-Jones, Heterônimos Coletivos, Fábricas de Cultura and others.

a s s o m b r a ç ã o

a  s  s  o  m  b  r  a  ç  ã  o  could be a presence, a body or a ghost that haunts.                   

a  s  s o  m  b  r  a  ç  ã  o  is a dance that delights the body as a place of appearance and disappearance. It's a choreographic dispositif that invites memories, gestures, dances, bodies, voices, sounds, vibrations, narratives and territories to dance together. If I try to put into words the experience of assombro, I could describe it as a huge spasm; an enormous astonishment; wonder and fear at the same time. Within this choreographic research, what I’ve been calling a s s o m b r a m e n t o s is the field of propositions emerged from this sensation towards the world and the processes of re-enchantment of daily life. 

a  s  s  o  m  b  r  a  ç  ã  o  is one of the dances-apparitions of the choreographic research a s s o m b r a m e n t o s, a platform of experimentation that opens up to a variety of practices both inside and outside the studio, in which I’ve been engaged for the last two years in the context of exerce, choreography master's program of ICI—Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, and with the support of the grant “Artistes dans la Cité” by Fondation d'entreprise Hermès in France. At Improspekcije it is presented as an outcome of a week-long work residency through the collaboration with ICI-CCN in the frame of Capacity Grid program of Life Long Burning project.