MDT Moderna Dansteatern is a co-production platform and one of Sweden’s leading venues for contemporary choreography and performance.
Here's their website.
MDT is involved in the following Life Long Burning activities:
Adam Seid Tahir at Veem House
Adam Seid Tahir, our Creative Crossroads artist from Stockholm, is in residence in Amsterdam! They will share some early fragments from their ongoing research on fictive archaeology. They’re conducting this research as both a longer research project and the starting point for their new work artifact (working title).
Mariana Viana in recidency at MDT Stockholm
ICI–CCN nominated choreographer and Performer Mariana Viana for an Artistic Exchange Residency at MDT Stockholm. She is working on her new piece Matière grise/Gray matter during these two weeks in Sweden.
Open Call – Uferstudios Berlin is looking for a production manager
In the frame of our programme On The Outset, Uferstudios Berlin are offering a paid internship position between October 2024 – January 2025 for artists and/or emerging production managers in the field of dance and performance. Included in the internship is a one-week exchange with our Swedish Life Long Burning Partner MDT Moderna Dansteatern in Stockholm.
Deadline for applications is 19 July 2024.
On (dance) art and cultural politics
Sweden is facing a shift in art and cultural politics, and we’re not the only ones. As one travels internationally in Europe nowadays, almost everyone (with a few exceptions) is talking about the massive budget cuts and how artists and institutions are struggling. In some countries, this is also tied to democratic restrictions.
OPEN CALL | Artistic Residency in Stockholm and Montpellier
MDT Moderna Dansteatern in Stockholm and ICI-CCN in Montpellier launch a joint open a call for two research residencies for artists based in Montpellier or Stockholm! This call is open to artists from the field of choreography and dance. Deadline for applications is 12 May 2024.
Network Meeting at Festival Programme Commun
This weekend Festival Programme Commun is kicking off in Lausanne! Apart from a vivid performance programme Arsenic invited to a Life Long Burning meeting, which includes a three days watch-and-talk programme for our Creative Crossroads artists, led by Ysaline Rochat.
Showing: several attempts at braiding my way home
Creative Crossroads artist Adam Seid Tahir is showing their work several attempts at braiding my way home, which they developed together with their sister Amina Seid Tahir, at MDT Stockholm. Shifting between labour and speculative proposals several attempts at braiding my way home insists on fiction as a tool for quaking potential and finding opportunities for recovery and belonging. The performance swims alongside Clymene dolphins, who defy understandings of heritage. It listens to walruses who trust their hair for navigation.
Reza Mirabi is at MDT Stockholm
Reza Mirabi started his Artistic Residency at MDT Stockholm. He investigates the role of seeds during times of crisis. Inspiration for this research is a graffiti he saw around the corner of his grandmothers house and a former barren terrain in South India, which was transformed into a dreamy garden by two activists – only by using seeds.
Open Call – On The Outset in Stockholm
Join MDT Stockholm as a production intern this autumn! They are looking for a person, who wants to work with/learn more about production and administration of dance and choreography, both at a local and at an international level. Application ends on 31 May 2023.
Capacity Grid, On The Outset, Outsetters Abroad
Performance Situation Rooms, Choreographic Conventions