MSU Zagreb

MSU Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb.

Take a look at their website.

MSU Zagreb is involved in the following Life Long Burning activities:
Life Long Burning Partner Meeting 2024 in Zagreb © Sindri Uču
These are the Creative Crossroads artists of cycle 2

During ChoreoCon 2024 we introduced the artist of the second cycle – her's a sneak peek, more details will follow next year.

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2026

Expose brings together authors and artists from various fields of art who practice (self)archiving, (self)musealization, (self)documentation, (self)recording or/and (self)mapping through mixed formats and media. This three-day public event will explore these practices and their relation to the fields of dance and new media art.

24.05.2024 - 26.04.2024 @ Zagreb
Expose. Remembering topologies

Dora Đurkesac and Tea Kantoci were discussing with the artists after every performance during Improspections festival. They generate collaborative material which was interpreted afterwards at the closing session and shaped into a publication/zine, using interdisciplinary knowledge (art, design and museum studies).

25.09.2023 @ MSU Zagreb
Luka Švajda, Tea Kantoci, Dora Đurkesac and Jan Rozman at Improspection 2023

The four artists are invited to contribute to the workshop programme of Improspection 2023 in Zagreb. 

16.09.2023 - 25.09.2023 @ MSU Zagreb
Cyborg Dancing by Luka Švajda: Matèrie ecrite and immediate irreality

Improspections invited Luka Švajda to share his artistic research project with students of the Department of Animation and New Media and the Department of Dance, within a four-day workshop and a public presentation.

As a part of the larger research project investigating how dance operates as a meaning-making mechanism, the workshop focused on the notions of matèrie ecrite (written matter) and immediate irreality. Matèrie ecrite is an invention of the French avant-garde artist Pierre Guyotat; however, this oratory, visceral, and rhythmic lexicon (i.e., a method of writing) was repurposed, allowing to experiment with different forms and media.

16.09.2023 @ MSU Zagreb
Artistic Exchange Residencies, Co-Productions, Creative Crossroads  
Capacity Grid, On The Outset, Outsetters Abroad  
Performance Situation Rooms, Choreographic Conventions