Moving in November
Moving in November is a contemporary dance festival organised yearly in the Helsinki area in Finnland.
This is their website.
Moving in November is involved in the following Life Long Burning activities:
Open Call – Artistic Exchange Residencies in Budapest & Helsinki
Moving in November and Workshop Foundation offer both a residency, for dance artists working with contemporary dance or performance.
The call addresses artists based in Finland and active in Hungary, interested in working and researching for two weeks in the other country.
For both residencies application ends on 13 April 2025.
Mean Time Between Failures at STUK
Mean Time Between Failures, the Helsinki-based experimental dance and performance art collective of Dash Che and Suvi Tuominen. During their Artistic Exchange Residency at STUK, MTBF will work with sound designer Oula Rytkönen, who is a long-term collaborator of the collective. They will focus on dramaturgical and choreographic development of a new dance piece called DOWN BEAT.
Soup Talks
Moving in November released its programme for the festival from 7–17 November in Helsinki! One format we are involved in and highly recommend: The Soup Talks, where informal conversations raise between audience and artists mingling around a hot pot full of soup.
Cécile Le Claire is On the Outset at Moving in November
The project manager, artistic mediator and facilitator from France recently moved to Finnland and is now involved in the production of the contemporary dance festival, which takes place from 7–17 November this year.
Tuuli Vahtola
Open Call | Cats & Poetry workshop
Moving in November is inviting to participate in a two-day workshop lead by Swedish choreographer Pontus Pettersson. Over these two days, Pontus will open up his practice to host the different methods and practices that are part of the work Pancor Poetics (which will be shown in this year’s Moving in November Festival), including one of his seminal pieces The Cat Practice. As simple as it sounds, it involves practicing being a cat. Applications are open until 27 June!
Network Meeting at Festival Programme Commun
This weekend Festival Programme Commun is kicking off in Lausanne! Apart from a vivid performance programme Arsenic invited to a Life Long Burning meeting, which includes a three days watch-and-talk programme for our Creative Crossroads artists, led by Ysaline Rochat.
danceWEB 2024
Sometimes you get a second chance. Or, some of you do. If you are a dancer and/or choreographer with decidedly professional ambitions, either based in Rumania or in Finland you get a second chance to apply for danceWEB 2024! Because two of our Life Long Burning partner – 4Culture and Moving in November – are each covering the fee for and nominating one participant for this year’s scholarship programme.
Open House with Lin Da in Helsinki
Finnish artist, choreographer and performer Lin Da was on an Artistic Exchange Residency at Uferstudios Berlin this summer. On 20 December they share their experience, research and insights regarding the residency, in the frame of an Open House shaped as a Soup Talk. Like the other Soup Talks of Moving in November Festival it will start midday, Laura Pietiläinen will be the host.
Cherish Menzo gives workshop for Black diaspora
Cherish Menzo will show DARKMATTER at the Moving in November festival in Helsinki. The Distorted Rap Choir was founded for and is expanded with every showing of this performance. Therefore Cherish Menzo is giving a choir workshop in Helsinki, inviting people from the African diaspora to take part in the workshop and possibly also in the performance.
Soup Talks at Moving in November
At Moving in November festival visitors and artists can mingle daily over a bowl of hot soup. The Soup Talks are a series of informal conversations with the artists presenting their work during the festival. Everybody is invited to join in, to listen, to pose questions and to take part in the discussions. Each of the talks is hosted by an artist based in the Helsinki area.
Dominique Tegho at Moving in November
Dominique Tegho is selected by Moving in November Festival for an Artistic Exchange Research Residency. She works in the studio of choreographer Liisa Pentti + Co and experiences the whole festival in Helsinki.
Mikko Hyvönen at Without Distance Platform
The Antistatic Festival welcomes Mikko Hyvönen, within the frame of the Life Long Burning Capacity Grid. He has been selected to participate in the educational platform Without Distance. His participation takes place as an exchange between Brain Store Project and the contemporary dance festival Moving in November, Helsinki.
Capacity Grid, On The Outset, Outsetters Abroad
Performance Situation Rooms, Choreographic Conventions