Open Call | Cats & Poetry Workshop

Moving in November is inviting professional dancers and movement practitioners to participate in a two-day workshop lead by Swedish choreographer Pontus Pettersson in the frame of his upcoming choreographic installation and performance Pancor Poetics, that will take place in this year’s Moving in November Festival.

Over these two days, Pontus will open up his practice to host the different methods and practices that are part of the work Pancor Poetics, including one of his seminal pieces The Cat Practice. As simple as it sounds, it involves practicing being a cat.

In the workshop, participants will transition from Cat Practice to poetry writing, then to dancing, exploring how these practices inform each other, the different embodiments they create, and various modes of listening and being together.


When and Where? How to participate?

The workshop takes place on 10–11 August in Helsinki and will end with a small showing.

The workshop addresses professional dancers and movement practitioners. We encourage you to join, when having an extra interest and experience in interspecies relations and theory, queer aesthetics and concerns and/or poetry.

The workshop can open up the possibility to join as a performer, into the choreographic installation and performance, that Pontus is preparing for Moving in November this year.

The participation is free of charge.

If you like to take part, please fill in this questionnaire until 27 June.

Find more information here.