Divert / Antisezona
The Divert collective organizes Antisezona, a project which brings an all-year-round programme of presentation and contextualization of contemporary dance and related performative practices to the Museum of Contemporary Art MUS in Zagreb and TALA PLE(j)S.
Check out their website.
Antisezona is involved in the following Life Long Burning activities:
Dance, Resistance, (Un)Working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After now in Ljubljana
The exhibition Dance, Resistance, (Un)Working – Aspects of Dance as Cultural, Political and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After, which opened in November 2024 in the frame of the Life Long Burning Choreographic Convention in Zagreb, is on screen in Ljubljana from 20 March until 31 May.
Modular School – Interactive Installation
In the frame of ChoreCon 2024, the participants of the Modular School will share their collective work at TALA PLE(j)S. Through an interactive installation, visitors will have the opportunity to explore individual projects intertwined with group responses.
Participatory Programme: Naama Shoshana Fogiel Lewin
A morning class rooted in a self-creating practice, combining theory and various exercise and movement methods to explore non-normative ways of giving and receiving care for both, our own bodies and others’.
Antisezona and Nomad Dance Academy put together a day of discussions, aiming to sketch beter future scenarios of our dance community:
Activating the Present of Dance: Discussing Cultural Policies
Futuring: Dance Research as the Foundation of a new Dance Institution
New Structures for a new Future – Call for Action
Exhibition Opening: Dancing, Resisting, (Un)working
Dancing, Resisting, (Un)working – Aspects of Dance as a Cultural, Political, and Art Work in Yugoslavia and After is an exhibition curated by Nomad Dance Academy – (Non)Aligned Movements. It performs a long-term research on developing the digital archive of contemporary dance and the performing arts of the post-Yugoslav region.
Performance: Desire to make a solid history will end in failure
The starting desire in the creation of this dance performance by Igor Koruga is the question: in what way can archiving dance art be an artistic practice? The author’s exploration of this desire takes place through a transgenerational creative exchange with six choreographers/directors/dancers/performers of the local independent dance scene: Nela Antonović, Anđelija Todorović, Jelena Jović, Tanja Pajović, Boris Čakširan, and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić.
Participatory Programme: CONSTELLATION OF BODIES
An open lab by Teodora Ežovska. The focus of the Constellations of Bodies workshop is on creating group dynamics and harmony among participants by developing awareness of internal dynamics, space, time as a measuring unit, and proximity.
A Performance Situation Room: Close encounters of the dance kind
What would you send into the future of dance? We asked the local dance scene to dance and write their answers to the following question: If there were something at your disposal right now that you would send into the future of dance, what would it be? We received answers from those at the beginning of their journeys, as well as from those who have been on this trek for a while. For very trivial practical reasons, the responses presented in the film don’t encapsulate the entirety of our scene, but demonstrate its multiplicity, polyphony, strength, persistence and permanence.
Lecture Online+Live by Marjana Krajač
In the course of Antisezona#4, Marjana Krajač is giving a live online lecture. In her research she explores spaces at the former Workers and People’s University Moša Pijade in Zagreb that served as dance studios and were used as movement sites during the socialist and post-socialist periods.
Lana Hosni in residence at Veem House
Lana Hosni is inviting you to open morning sessions during her residency at Veem House in Amsterdam! The sessions are a selection of the warm-ups and tune-ins she would normally do as an entrance to her daily practice, and they are focusing on body, somatics, movement-emotion-voice aligning and opening into availability.
Open Call | Join the ChoreoCon team in Zagreb
danceWEB is looking for a dance critic/producer/independent dance curator/artist interested in getting to know the contemporary dance scene in Croatia. This internship is dedicated to the Choreographic Convention from 19–23 November 2024, organised by our partner Antisezona in Zagreb. Application ends on 2 October!
Curating in Context
In Struga, North Macedonia, the International Summer School Curating in Context returns for its fourth edition, offering a unique platform for rethinking curatorial practices in contemporary art and beyond.
Domino Residency
Nomad dance academy Croatia is a guest at the Karlovac Dance Festival!
The summer edition of the 14th Karlovac Dance Festival brings collaboration and partnership with the Nomad Dance Academy Croatia through their Domino Residency and Modular School programmes.
Expose brings together authors and artists from various fields of art who practice (self)archiving, (self)musealization, (self)documentation, (self)recording or/and (self)mapping through mixed formats and media. This three-day public event will explore these practices and their relation to the fields of dance and new media art.
Network Meeting at Festival Programme Commun
This weekend Festival Programme Commun is kicking off in Lausanne! Apart from a vivid performance programme Arsenic invited to a Life Long Burning meeting, which includes a three days watch-and-talk programme for our Creative Crossroads artists, led by Ysaline Rochat.
Open House with Valentina Miloš
Divert Zagreb and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia invite to a discussion with Valentina Miloš, Sonja Pregrad, Silvia Marchig and Gregor Kamnikar.
PSR in Skopje: A Missing Institution
Lokomotiva (Centre for new Initiatives in Arts and Culture) and Firstborn Girl (Festival of Feminist Culture and Action) teamed up with MOT Festival. They set up the performance platform A Missing Institution. The dramatic advisors Jette Büchsenschütz and Maeve Johnson are participating and will follow up with an article, a reflection on the contemporary performance scene of Skopje.
Sindri Uču performs live & online
Transforming digital space of livestream into mobile house theatre, where technician, cameraman and performer – all the same person – dissect potentials of that multi layered media format.
Domino. Open Doors at Modular School
With: Boris Barukčić, Ela Đimoti, Dora Pocedić, Nika Špekuljuk, Linda Tarnovski, Sara Trbara and Jovana Zelenović.
The participants, who joined the programme led by Aleksandra Janeva, had the opportunity to present their work. This event was a space for exchanging knowledge and experiences, a space for mutual support and opening questions in cooperation with other participants and the independent scene in Croatia and abroad. Participants have self-curated and organized the weekend in which visitors had the opportunity to meet them through very different formats.
Expose. Remembering topologies
Dora Đurkesac and Tea Kantoci were discussing with the artists after every performance during Improspections festival. They generate collaborative material which was interpreted afterwards at the closing session and shaped into a publication/zine, using interdisciplinary knowledge (art, design and museum studies).
Cyborg Dancing by Luka Švajda: Matèrie ecrite and immediate irreality
Improspections invited Luka Švajda to share his artistic research project with students of the Department of Animation and New Media and the Department of Dance, within a four-day workshop and a public presentation.
As a part of the larger research project investigating how dance operates as a meaning-making mechanism, the workshop focused on the notions of matèrie ecrite (written matter) and immediate irreality. Matèrie ecrite is an invention of the French avant-garde artist Pierre Guyotat; however, this oratory, visceral, and rhythmic lexicon (i.e., a method of writing) was repurposed, allowing to experiment with different forms and media.
Close encounters of the dance kind by Laura Kirshenbaum: Faune/ In the garden
The lab embarked on a sensorial exploration in Zagreb’s botanical garden, using the different physical and vocal tools that were at hand in the artistic research of Faune/in the garden.
The garden is a vibrant and vivid ecosystem where multiple events take place; everything, everywhere, all at once: Participants opened up their field of vision – from the insect perspective to what’s there – on top of trees, the skin took an active part in the garden’s landscape and imaginative ears covered each centimetre of our bodies in order to tune in to the lowest sound, touch introduced us to the plant’s textures and their different shapes.
Alone and together, close to the plants and to each other, participants were traveling in the garden’s paths and its ever-changing tempor(e)alities.
Capacity Grid, On The Outset, Outsetters Abroad
Performance Situation Rooms, Choreographic Conventions